Sabtu, 9 April 2011

CSC 134 : Biometric Input

Biometrics is the technology of authenticating a person's identity by veryfying a personal characteristic.  Examples include fingerprints, hand geometry, facial features, voice, signatures, and eye patterns.

1.  Fingerprints reader
Captures curves and indentations of a fingerprint.  To save on   desk space, some newer keyboards and notebook computers have a  fingerprint reader attached to them, which allows users to log on to programs and Web sites via their fingerprint instead of entering a  user name and password.

A finger print reader

2.  Face recognition

A system that captures a live face image and compares it with a stored image to determine if the person is a legitimate user.  Some buildings use face recognition systems to secure access to rooms.  Law enforcement, surveillance systems, and airports use face recognition to protect the public.

3.  Voice verification system

A system thath compares a person's live speech with their stored voice pattern.  Larger organizations sometimes use voice verification systems as time and attendance devices.  Many companies also use this technology for access to sensitive files and networks.

A voice verification system

4.  Signature verification

This system recognizes the shape of your handwritten signature, as well as measures the pressure exerted and the motion used to write the signature.  Signature verification systems use a specialized pen and tablet.

                                                                           Signature verification

5.  Iris recognition systems

The camera in an iris recognition system uses iris recognition technology to read patterns in the iris of the eye.  These patterns are as unique as a fingerprint.  Iris recognition are quite expensive and are used by government security organizations, the military, and financial institutions that deal with highly sensitive data.

                                                                           Iris recognition

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