Sabtu, 9 April 2011

CSC 134 : Biometric Input

Biometrics is the technology of authenticating a person's identity by veryfying a personal characteristic.  Examples include fingerprints, hand geometry, facial features, voice, signatures, and eye patterns.

1.  Fingerprints reader
Captures curves and indentations of a fingerprint.  To save on   desk space, some newer keyboards and notebook computers have a  fingerprint reader attached to them, which allows users to log on to programs and Web sites via their fingerprint instead of entering a  user name and password.

A finger print reader

2.  Face recognition

A system that captures a live face image and compares it with a stored image to determine if the person is a legitimate user.  Some buildings use face recognition systems to secure access to rooms.  Law enforcement, surveillance systems, and airports use face recognition to protect the public.

3.  Voice verification system

A system thath compares a person's live speech with their stored voice pattern.  Larger organizations sometimes use voice verification systems as time and attendance devices.  Many companies also use this technology for access to sensitive files and networks.

A voice verification system

4.  Signature verification

This system recognizes the shape of your handwritten signature, as well as measures the pressure exerted and the motion used to write the signature.  Signature verification systems use a specialized pen and tablet.

                                                                           Signature verification

5.  Iris recognition systems

The camera in an iris recognition system uses iris recognition technology to read patterns in the iris of the eye.  These patterns are as unique as a fingerprint.  Iris recognition are quite expensive and are used by government security organizations, the military, and financial institutions that deal with highly sensitive data.

                                                                           Iris recognition

Sabtu, 2 April 2011

What I want to be.....

Since I was a kid, until I have grown up.... Just one job that I really interested with..... Stewardess.....
I really really want to become stewardess..... But, I have to put that ambition aside for a while, because my parents want me to continue my study first..... I do not know why, but I was really into it.... I love this job so much... I hope I can be a stewardess one day... :)


What I like...... What I love......

When talking about interest, I have so many interest.....
Okay, first, in music, I love all genre of music...... All of it.... from ballad to pop, classic, and to R&B...
I love K-POP, korean music..... Love their dances....

Girl's generation, my favourite girl groups

But, I also like English music.....
any kind of them..... but, mostly I like Taylor Swift's music...

                                                                          Taylor Swift

Well, in my free time, if I have one.... I like to sleep..... I will sleep everytime I got chance.....


One thing that all of you need to know about me is, I like to collect handbags, shoes, clothes and watches... I am girl, of course I like all of these kind of stuff.....
I love shopping... so so so much.... People will get tired of me, when they accompany me....



I love to play SUDOKU... I am getting addicted to it....
That's all about my interest....

Jumaat, 1 April 2011


I have been grow up everywhere...... So, I have been to many schools before....
My first school, which is primary school is Sekolah Kebangsaan Kampar.... I been here from standard 1 to 3...
Then I continued my standars 4 at Sekolah Kebangsaan Seri Sentosa which is also at Kampar... I changed my school because this school is nearer my house..... I stayed at this school only for one year... Then, I had to transfer to another shool.... again... and again.....
My next school is Sekolah Kebangsaan Batu 4., it is at Gerik, Perak.... I don't like this place, and the school, it is like a nightmare to me....  Lucky for me, I just stayed here only for one year, then, i moved to another school, at another place...
For standard 6, I been to Sekolah Kebangsaan Bukit Balai, lenggong, Perak.... I thought my nightmare is over, but it is not.... I don't like this place at all.... However, I got excellent result for my UPSR, i got 4's and 1 B's... which is out of my prediction...... I stayed at Lenggong until I Form 5... From form 1 to 5, I went to Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Dato' Ahmad... The scool which I sat for my PMR and SPM... The result?? Let it be a secret... ssshhh... :D



My name is Nurul Atiqah... I am 20 Years old... I live in Ipoh, Perak.... I have three siblings.... All my siblings are girl, and I am the last child...

My Sisters

I love my sisters very much... They always give me support in whatever I do.... My sisters are my friend.... :)

Mom and Dad

My father work as a policeman.... He is such a generous man... For me, my dad is the best man in this whole wide world.... Whenever I down, he is always there and give me support.... So as my mother... She is a housewife... My family is my spirit.... They are my life..... I love my family so much....